Sorry I accidently pressed Post! One thing I think about when reading this is the condition of my conscience. My conscience has been in many respects trained by my Christian background; this was largely very good, however I have learned that an evil conscience isn't simply a case of being selfish and reckless, it can also be an unthinking adherence to rules, leading in many cases to a judgemental attitude toward others. I tend towards introspection, looking over my shoulder at the things I have done and praising, or judging my actions, however I have found that reflection, looking at the whole picture rather than homing in on my own part of it really helps. Situations can be complex. I love the part in the Adrian Plass story "the visit" where Jesus is having a deep talk with a young man and his assistant interrupts because a child has come wanting to see him. His assistant knows the scripture but has not reflected on the situation. Reflection is the space between considering an action and doing it. I need to do that much more.

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This is a foundational theme, which when I was growing up was turned into the saying: Christ first, others next, self last

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