When I became a Christian, my litmus test for Jesus was the Bible.
If Jesus’ claims were true, I reasoned, the Bible would hold wisdom that would surpass everything else. If not, it simply wouldn’t work.
So I started reading. 18 years old, and I began the simple practice of reading the Bible every day.
What I read utterly changed my life, reordering and healing the way I saw and thought and acted into something freer and more alive and adventurous and worth living for than anything else I’d ever found.
Twenty years later, I’ve spent years discipling and pastoring emerging generations in a variety of contexts. And again and again I’ve found two common things.
They are hungry for a better vision of life than the world offers
They find the Bible confusing and difficult
This devotional is a response to this hunger and this need.
How It Works:
A daily email to your inbox. The email includes the reading for the day, a 3 minute unpacking of how the passage may impact our lives, and a reflection and prayer to close. It’s a framework of Scripture and prayer, which will take most people around 10 minutes to complete. The devotional runs six days a week, with one day of Sabbath.
The background theology to the devotional is the biblical theology of the Kingdom of God. The devotional is written to form deep, mature, apprentices of Jesus in the midst of a disoriented world. It carries a deep expectation of the power of God to impact a hurting world through us, and an assumption that the most radical renewals of our hearts often comes in the places of suffering. Some of the key authors and thinkers who have shaped my learning are John Wimber, N.T. Wright, Dallas Willard, Eugene Peterson, John Mark Comer, Mark Sayers, Pete Hughes, George Eldon Ladd, Lesslie Newbigin and C.S. Lewis.
Other Work
In 2024 I’ll be releasing His:Story—an online course that teaches through the entire story of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.
Bible quotes taken from the ESV® Study Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), Copyright © 2008 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.