Hey friends,
Everything that I’ve written this year has circulated around one big theme:
That the world of God is BIGGER than we could ever imagine.
This has implications for every one of us as individuals. But it also has implications for church. Because the vision of church in the Scriptures is explosive — it s radical and beautiful, expansive and alive, powerful and deep.
Is this your experience?
So many have experienced church as religious, boring, tame, institutional, superficial, or wounding. Many have walked away, and many are giving church its last chance.
We need to recover our vision.
In 2025…
I’ll be writing again, taking us back into the imagination of God to draw out what He presents in the Scriptures as the intended shape of His people. I’ll be exploring themes including:
Vision. Why this isn’t a pithy one-liner imitating the business world, but a deep prophetic engagement with the call and lead and dreams of God.
Spirit. Why Church was never intended to be a place of ego projects and exhaustion, but a daily adventure in interactive partnership with the intimate and powerful and wild Spirit of the Living God.
Holy. Why the vision of biblical holiness is not a cramping set of rules, enforced through schemes of control, but growth into the greatest and most liberated kind of wholeness we could ever imagine, built in models of humility that grow from leaders who have learned to abdicate platform in favour of biblical humility.
Grace. Why grace repositions us with a new starting point for our every moment, and is the defining characteristic of the community that restores, heals, and sends.
Belonging. Why connection is so essential to every movement of church, building interdependence in an age of compulsive isolation and depth in an age of rampant superficiality.
Why do this?
Because we forget. We forget what it was meant to be like. And when our disappointment dictates our vision, the church atrophies, we disconnect, and we find ourselves wandering in disillusionment. We forget what God wanted from us. We forget the themes and norms of the heart of Jesus and get sidetracked into our own vanity projects and institutional ways.
I’ve met so many people who love Jesus but struggle with church. And yet, the Spirit of God yearns to work through a people who stand together, in unity and vision and a shared story of who we are and what we are building towards.
What you need to do:
Each month, from February, I’ll be releasing one chapter of what will become a book.
If you want to receive these, just stay signed up and they’ll be sent to your inbox.
If you know someone who might benefit from this, do share it with them.
That’s all guys. Final devotional of 2024 to arrive tomorrow.
Bless you greatly,
Cant wait!