‘I myself am satisfied about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able to instruct one another.’
Romans 15:14
Imagine if those first Roman Christians had known.
Imagine if they’d known, that this letter would go on to be read and copied and printed and published millions of times through history. Imagine if they’d known these words, hand written and hand delivered, would travel the globe across the next two millennia, being translated into over 1600 languages and counting. Imagine if they’d known that these phrases, shared between their homes and their streets and their meal tables, would become some of the most impactful words in all history. Imagine if they’d know that this Paul who was writing to them would become venerated as a saint through history, built into statutes, with extraordinary buildings and basilicas named in his honour.
They didn’t know all of this. But we do.
But sometimes, knowing such things can become a distraction. Impressive, but distracting.
Because when scale happens, it can quickly create a sense of distance. Of otherness. Of words and ideas and people who impress us from a distance, but have little to do with the real and rugged of our day-to-day lives. We can begin to assume that the ideas of Romans have more to do with a spiritual elite than they do to us peasants and paupers. It can lead us to view Paul’s life and ways as being separate and sainted, with our meagre efforts feeling second rate. In this way of thinking, we become observers and consumers, impressed, but ultimately uninvolved.
Paul drops in a word today that hits such ideas like a wrecking ball.
Most of us read this, and immediately feel troubled by the gender specific language. We don’t need to—or if we do, our beef is with the translators rather than with the Early Church. In First Century usage, the word was fully inclusive for both men and women, and thus is far better translated brothers and sisters (or sisters and brothers…). Siblings. When we sweep away our patriarchal fears, we find a beautiful truth.
Paul views the Romans not as spectators of his ministry. Not as consumers. Not as those impressed from an awed distance.
He views them as family.
As participants of equal honour and significance and value in the family of God. Of siblings on equal platform and equal inheritance with him.
This messes with our excuses. So often we hold back from speaking truth because we feel that others would say it better. Or from giving what we have, because we know that others have more. Or from prayer, because we doubt our prayers hold genuine authority to affect history.
But the Scriptures will have none of it. The ideas that are lofty are not there to make us feel small, but to invite us further into the expansive reality to which we have all been called.
Paul is coming to his conclusion. And as he does so, he reminds us that he does not stand aloof and elevated, but shoulder to shoulder, with these ordinary Roman believers.
And that he stands shoulder to shoulder with you and me.
To speak, give, and pray, unto changing the rhythms of history.
Paul touches on three areas of participation today. What we speak, what we give, and what we pray.
In any of these areas, have we settled back into being a consumer rather than a contributor in the work of God?
How might He be inviting us further into participation today?
I often think that my words are not clever enough
My offering isn’t grand enough
Or my prayers are not powerful enough
To be worth putting out there.
By my estimation, they’d not make a great difference.
But Father,
I recognise today that this lessens what you have done for me,
And relegates me to a quiet corner, when you call me to the arena.
And so, today,
I turn away from the mentality of a consumer and a spectator;
I want to get in the game
Help me to speak the truths I know with consistent love
Help me to offer what I have with simple freedom
Help me to recall that the prayers that I pray are heard at your very throne
And that the metrics of my contribution are not what I give,
But what you can do with it.
And so, Father,
I step in again,
A participant in your family
That your Kingdom may advance through me
In Jesus’ Name,
Old Testament:
For those also reading the Old Testament this year, your additional readings are here:
Numbers 23-25 | Psalm 33:13-22
The emphasis on family in the devotional has raised some questions for me. In a previous church, the teaching was along these lines: natural family was in every way inferior and even at times a threat to spiritual family. A key scripture was like chapter 14 verse 26 : "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, Yes and his own life also cannot be my disciple."
1 Timothy 5:8 " But if anyone does not provide for his own and especially for those of his household, he denies the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." was not so popular.
Whilst this position tended to overemphasised the conflict between natural family vs spiritual family and force a choice to be made between them, (a choice which many have to make in these times when they come to Christ.) and was overbalanced, it does beg the question what is spiritual family and how (apart from prayer) can I be a full participant?